The option of cancellation

One may want to specify an option to cancel a sale for reasons such as if they wanted to try something out so they can be sure about purchasing the item. The option of cancellation is valid for both parties (buyer and seller), or one of them, for three days or less. If you specify... Continue Reading →

Pricing per unit when the total quantity is unknown

Whoever sells a pile of food, such that each measure is for a dollar, this is valid in one measure only. For example, let's say someone wants to buy a bag of rice and asks the price. The seller says that it is $2/kg. The buyer accepts the price and agrees to buy the whole bag. In this case, the issue is that the total quantity of the rice is unknown and, hence, the... Continue Reading →

Defining the price

It is necessary to know the amount and description of the price, if not being pointed to. This applies to the price and also applies to the item of sale. For example, the description of the price can be the currency. The assumption is that the price is from the currency of the land. For... Continue Reading →

Definition of a sales transaction

Sales is an exchange of something of value for something else of value with mutual agreement and it becomes binding with offer and acceptance, made in the past tense, and with non-verbal exchange. See the previous post for Imam Mawsuli's definition of a sales transaction and its integrals. "Mutual agreement" is not a necessary condition... Continue Reading →

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